- Azerothcore database structure This table is used to provide localized clients with localized string for npc_texts. This table holds basic info about groups. This table contains the data that a player needs to obtain / complete in order to receive a given achievement. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spell_id: MEDIUMINT player_race_stats <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment Keeping the Database Up-to-Date. entry. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. If it is negative and the first rank of Description of the fields. Contains information about zones connected to world's graveyards. Contains data about character settings. Field Nb Name Type; 1: ID: Int: 2: Name (Ref to Faction. The individual level required for a command is defined in the command table in each realm. Structure. The `creature_model_info` table. field-no-description|3 Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Description of the fields. PageTextMaterial. Database Structure > World-Database > event_scripts. acore_string <-Back-to:World. The module_string table. This table holds information on modifiers for stat values applied to characters. time. The current flow is composed by 2 + 1 (optional) different steps: Directory structure /src /database -> sequelize models + seeders /logic -> RealmMgr, adapters, entities & APIs /service -> apollo, express and AzerothCore. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. majorVersion. See above. field-no-description|3. When adding entries it is best to just let the database pick the next available ID number account_tutorial <-Back-to:Characters. version <-Back-to:World Includes information on current core and database version. Value must be >=0. Criteria from Achievement_Criteria. The number of characters the account has on the realm. Contains data about client account and settings. This is the alliance Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project AzerothCore. event_scripts Information. Max length is 12 characters. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; dungeonId: INT: UNSIGNED Description of the fields. An additional identifier for each individual entry, enabling multiple equipment for one creature entry. SourceGroup. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: character_guid: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: quest_accept_time areatrigger_teleport <-Back-to:World. The `pool_gameobject` table. The `acore_string` table. The ID of the button on the action bar where the action icon will be placed. Files Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. An example of app is our db_assembler that is able to create and upgrade your database installation. angle. spell_threat <-Back-to:World. Each database has a table I've created a tool to extract SQL from DBCs. The name of the character. GroupID. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. See account. See more Creating the databases. The character guid. Skill id. The `lfg_dungeon_encounters` table. Now you will need to re-run CMake Configure and Generate to update your solution (. pool_pool <-Back-to:World. The `pvpstats_battlegrounds` table. FAQ; Common Errors; Description of the fields id. Possible values Description of the fields. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; core_version: VARCHAR(120) SIGNED: YES: NULL: Core revision dumped at startup When starting world server, it reports [1146] Table 'acore_world. character_stats <-Back-to:Characters. 5 Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. spell_dbc <-Back-to:World. Join our Discord Server, but it is not a 24/7 support channel. The `player_race_stats` table. date. quest_poi_points <-Back-to:World. This table contains spell data regarding cpp scripts. The `groups` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spell_id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: spell id: attributes Description of the fields. This entry must be the same as item_template. How to Import DBC Data onto my Database How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. The entire condition is met when any of its groups is met (logical OR). achievement_criteria_data <-Back-to:World. spec = 0 is the first spec, spec = 1 is the second spec. If you are still having problems, check: FAQ. The `character_aura` table. bugfixVersion. Comes from sniffs. NOTE: usernames are limited to 20 characters and have no character restriction. name. The advantage of having an external script to do this task instead of the worldserver is: You don't need to compile and run the worldserver if you only need to create the database (useful when using or developing tools that only need the DBs) AzerothCore. RealmID PageTextMaterial. SpellId from Spell. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Identifier: game_event_quest_condition <-Back-to:World. name_loc. 1 will no longer be supported. The `character_equipmentsets` table. content. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Automatic Database Updater. Help AzerothCore. Maximum distance between group leader and member. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add Table Structure. This table enables dynamically rewarding money dependent on player's level. Index 0 - 7. See quest_template. All created teams or all teams in the process of being created have a record in this table. hexID:bid:buyout:deposit:cut:delay:eta. Read Database Keeping the Server Up-to-Date. 1. npc_text_locale <-Back-to:World. Description of the fields. AzerothCore CHANGED it's database-structure to resemble TrinityCore to remove issues with tool compatibility, and ease development of additional tools, basically standardisation so that we aren't working on two completely different server options, with Description of the fields. Groups 0-4 are Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. numchars. What do I need to do in order to finish a quest? ACore-Node-Server uses a set of libraries and strategies to automate the creation of GraphQL APIs for the AzerothCore database. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; dungeonId: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Dungeon entry from dbc: maxlevel: TINYINT graveyard_zone <-Back-to:World. The `motd` table. quest. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2-18: sRefName: String + Loc: Includes all Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. If you want to create a sub-menu, this is the ID (gossip_menu. guild_bank_item <-Back-to:Characters. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: Flags: Integer Description of the fields. This table contains gameobjects that are tied to a specific pool. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders. counter. spell. The `spell_custom_attr` table. areatrigger_involvedrelation <-Back-to:World. The ID of the realm. update_type. Spell id. permanent. The `areatrigger_involvedrelation` table. broadcast_text_locale. Help. This table alone does not define the stats of a character at any level. This table holds data the Core needs to handle variables (like timer for arena point automatic flush). Angle between leader and member Note: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. assignedTo. Create three empty databases: acore_world; acore_characters; acore_auth; Importing the SQL files. See Spell. spec. The `spell_threat` table. See ChrClasses. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: This is an auto increment field and this is an arbitrary number. The `quest_tracker` table. hexID: hex value of itemowner's GUID (guid field from characters table). Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: content Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/u Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. For type 1: achievement ID; for type 2: ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. The date when this achievement was earned. The `spelldifficulty_dbc` table. Table Structure Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Database Structure > World Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. It is the language in which you want to make the translation. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: direct Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. Keira3 Internals. SourceEntry. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: Criteria ID: 2: Achievement: iRefID: Reference to the achievement this criteria is needed for. Database Keeping the Server Up-to-Date. This is a collection of notes aiming to explain the internals of Keira3 for development purposes. spell_bonus_data <-Back-to:World. verifier Description of the fields. This table holds all item information for items that are stored in the guild bank. The `warden_checks` table. Enable = 1 in worldserver. Table: creature_summon_groups. Used in gossips, creature texts and npc_texts. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI Description of the fields. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; pool_id summonproperties_dbc. The `guild_bank_item` table. Contains aura information that is loaded when a character is loaded, so the auras that were on the character when it logged out are still kept when it logs back in. Specify account pvpstats_battlegrounds <-Back-to:Characters. If above or under the SQL will fail on creature_template_spell_chk_1. game_event <-Back-to:World. conf Table Structure. Auth; Characters; World; Overview. specMask. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This table contains data regarding serverside spells which are not to be found in Client DBC files. Table Structure Table Structure. The `calendar_events` table. This table provides answer for a very important question. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; id: BIGINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0 [creator][2] INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: title: VARCHAR(255) SIGNED Description of the fields. creature <-Back-to:World. I dropped the world database, then used dbimport. id in the auth database. The user's account name. criteria. Level of quest. gmlevel. Character guid. Table Structure. It's maintained by us so we can properly set the schema needed for the AzerothCore database Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. Field Type Attributes Key NULL Default Comment; id character_account_data <-Back-to:Characters. Boolean 1 or 0 signifying whether the spell is active (appears in the spell book). School. The `game_event` table. The `spell_proc` table. Max length is 8000 characters. Report ID. status. It identifies the whole chain. I saw this error: Applying 'creature_template_model. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Unique: Global Unique Identifier: See account. 3: Type: Integer: AzerothCore. dbc How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. The `character_skills` table. conf and Based on our modular domain-based directory structure , the AzerothCore project allows you to add and extend game features by adding custom isolated modules, without patching the core Your database structure is not up to date. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × Table Structure. The `skill_discovery_template` table. item_set_names_locale <-Back-to:World. name field for language X. creature_model_info <-Back-to:World. bid: ending bid for this lot. This table holds all of the strings used internally by the server. Reload to refresh your session. dist file. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default AzerothCore. This DBC contains all possible races, some of which are unused and unavailable to players. field-no-description|2. lfg_dungeon_rewards <-Back-to:World. All factions that you can not gain rep with have -1. instance. One or more character's class. itemCount: amount of item at this Lot. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; alliance_id: INT: UNSIGNED Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. field-no-description|4 Description of the fields. You signed in with another tab or window. classmask. If the spell was casted from an item, the item ID. groupId. The `account_tutorial` table. areatrigger_tavern <-Back-to:World. guid. This is just a automatic counter that assigns a value to each trigger to list it. I thought that running worldserver with the default settings for the database autoupdater would ensure the world database was created and updated properly. Pending update files. 0 or 8. Spell. The Modular Structure; Create a script; Hooks Bash; Hooks Cmake; Hooks C++; Help. These values are used by the core and a few spell_* tables. Column Name Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: Unknown: Integer: 1 for Hunter, Rogue, and Shaman, 9 for CategoryId. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spellId: MEDIUMINT spell_area <-Back-to:World. It must be a unique number. Custom files Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. When a group enters an instance, a new copy of that instance is made from the values in these fields. Field Type Table Structure. Translated content for item_template. Rank of the skill. The `achievement_reward_locale` table. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comments; id: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × Note: if you delete a "realm first" achievement from the characters database, Table Structure. The `summonproperties_dbc` table. warden_checks <-Back-to:World. 3: reputationRaceMask: Description of the fields CreatureID. The `account_data` table. quest_tracker <-Back-to:Character. Allows building grouped conditions - all entries belonging to the same condition (same SourceType, SourceGroup and SourceEntry) that share the same number in ElseGroup, define one group. Different levels have access to different commands. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Id: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO Relation to `player_race_stats`. This information comes from sniffs and is NOT supposed to be changed. This table holds This will sync your local repo to the latest commits from the azerothcore-wotlk repository. id. username. The spell ID. This table is used to apply a specific spell aura to the player within an area in the game. Determains what quest should be changed during a faction change Table Structure. locale. Utilities and applications with an higher level of awareness compared to modules. The GUID of the character. Windows Keeping the Server Up-to-Date. dbc. arg1. This table holds threat values on all spells that should either give or take away threat. The `broadcast_text_locale` table This table will have localized texts for `broadcast_text` table. For any given zone the percentage of all weather types for each season should total, and not exceed 100%. character_aura <-Back-to:Characters. This DBC contains the maps list. The `player_factionchange_quest` table. id. Solid base. Contains all the teleport triggers definition. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: achievement: SMALLINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. All SQL changes you make to fix an issue on AzerothCore go in here. In Populating the database. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED Description of the fields racemask. Basically a comment of what your query does. entry. The `worldstates` table. achievement_criteria_data; achievement_dbc; achievement_reward; AzerothCore has three databases: auth, characters and world. See realmlist. You create the pending update file by running create_sql. See eventSchedulerType for more info) creature_summon_groups <-Back-to:World. quest_objectives <-Back-to:World. The `quest_poi_points` table. Back-to:DBC. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Id: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: AUTO_INCREMENT: type: TINYINT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: 0 open, 1 closed, 2 character deleted: playerGuid: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: (not implemented on azerothcore yet) 0 = player who abandoned ticket or GM who closed ticket. build. Is the quest ID, obtained from quest_template. This is the Group ID for the group. skill_discovery_template <-Back-to:World. mingold. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: reputationIndex: Integer: Each faction that has gainable rep has a unique number. The `pool_pool` table. Version 3. This DBC contains Summon Properties (EffectMiscValueB) for Spell Effect SPELL_EFFECT_SUMMON (28) Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Table Structure. How to Import DBC Data onto my Database. AzerothCore is a complete Open Source and Modular solution for MMO development. npcflag that the NPC must have to have this option display. The `arena_team` table. This table has all the templates for every instance. The account ID. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; spell_id: INT: SIGNED: UNIQUE: NO: NONE: ScriptName: char(64) UNSIGNED: UNIQUE: NO: NONE: Description of the fields. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; roupId: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: NULL: roupName: VARCHAR(100) NO: NULL: roupFlags: INT: UNSIGNED: NO: 0: Description of the fields. body. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; SpellId: INT: SIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Unique Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Quest ID for quests showing a completion text upon turning in an item delivery quest. spell_custom_attr <-Back-to:World. module_string <-Back-to:World. rank. Modifying a character's stats would generally be in Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close × Database World A. macOS Keeping the Server Up-to-Date. It is possible to group summons and create boss waves of adds etc. This table holds the main ArenaTeam information. Minimum money, in copper, that the gameobject can drop when accessed / used. 0 = Loot related; 1 = Auction House related; 2 = Mail related; 3 = Chat related arena_team <-Back-to:Characters. Value must be within this range. field-no-description|1. Table Structure DELETE FROM `quest_template_locale` WHERE `ID` = 62 AND `locale` = "esES"; INSERT INTO `quest_template_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `EndText`, `CompletedText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES (62, "esES", "La Mina Abisal", "¡La mina de Villanorte no es la única que tiene problemas! ! Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED Description of the fields. instance_template <-Back-to:World. Description of the fields CreatureID. This table holds info about player's equipment manager settings. lotId: id field from auctionhouse table. character_skills <-Back-to:Characters. The quest ID. The instance ID. In AzerothCore this task is a responsability of an external script, written in bash, the DB-assembler. To edit the automatic database updater you will find the necessary settings in authserver. Note. ActionPoiID Files from this directory are automatically imported with the Automatic Database Updater. You can create a pool with a chance of a range of pools in that pool being activated. The `game_event_quest_condition` table. sln) files. This table holds information on spells that should be learned at the same time a player learns another spell. The `character_stats` table. See gameobject_template. The `spell_dbc` table. StoreStatistics. 4. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT OptionNpcFlag. Column Field Type Notes Extra info; 0: eventID: Integer: Holiday event ID: 1: eventStage1Duration: Integer: Stage1 event length (for stage1: either as preparation or main event. charsections_dbc' doesn't exist Your database structure is not up to date. This table contains the base values for creature health, mana, armor, attack power, ranged AzerothCore. racemask. Primary Key for this table. All of the values in this table signify only the stat value modifiers based on the race of a character. dbc which is first rank of spell rank chain. The values from this table are combined with the values found in the player\_race\_stats table to apply the final stats to a character at any level. When any player enters this area or somehow interacts with a quest, this aura will be handled accordingly. entry / gossip_menu_option. See ChrRaces. dbc file information. table-no-description|0 Table Structure. This table holds information of string entries for modules. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; eventEntry: TINYINT Spell. This is the creature_template. worldstates <-Back-to:Characters. race. Maximum money, in copper, that the gameobject can drop when accessed / used. AzerothCore. The Auth- and The Auth- and Worldserver checks and applies all needed database files at startup. config. The current quest status. The quest ID of the rewarded quest. 5a. sh script. Table Structure All the NPC's are stored in the database, for example. The `character_account_data` table. dbc) Int: 4: ourMask: Bitmask (4 bits) 5: friendlyMask: Bitmask (4 bits) 6 Description of the fields. This table holds information on what events (or procs) certain spells are activated. You signed out in another tab or window. creature_respawn <-Back-to:Characters. All pending update files are found in the $\data\sql\updates\pending_db_*\ directory. It allows you to export only the rows you need. See instance. This table contains the mapping of a quest in a world event to the condition that it will fulfill. All of them need to be properly up to date in order to start the server application. lagType. motd <-Back-to:Auth. Back-to:Spell Effects Reference. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Description of the fields. This table contains all models of mobs, their gender and other information that are model related. The `quest_money_reward` table. Each quest ID must be unique. See Skill. entry and then the row will be used to provide localization support for this creature record. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Global AzerothCore developers and contributors are always working on fixing and adding new features to the core. id Description of the fields. To enable storing this kind of informations, set Battleground. Keeping the Database Up-to-Date. quest_money_reward <-Back-to:World. guid. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; alliance_id: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: horde_id: INT: SIGNED: PRI: NO: Description of the fields. This table contains data related to the use of the anti-cheat tool Warden, which can be enabled in Worldserver. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; Level: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. minorVersion. CreatureID. realmid. ElseGroup. You can always find them here. Linux Keeping the Server Up-to-Date. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: name_loc1: VARCHAR(100) SIGNED: NO: name Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. This is the npcflag (Creature_template. alliance_id. spell_learn_spell <-Back-to:World. Creature entry from creature_template. Consider upgrading to MySQL 8. [SPELLS] why they must be stored and maintained in database (almost all of them) I have been reading many discussions about DBCs and spells with a lot of misunderstanding here and there. The text contained in the mail. The quest ID that this game object starts. calendar_events <-Back-to:Characters. The account security level. maxgold. It is the table that stores the translations of the table achievement_reward, so that the game client can display the messages in different languages. button. See comments (after //) in previous table) ActionMenuID. The `spell_linked_spell` table. The `areatrigger_tavern` table. This field recall a certain map based on the ID (for example, ID 30 recalls Elwynn Forest) pool_gameobject <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; realmid: INT: SIGNED: PRI: NO: text: LONGTEXT: YES: NULL: Description of the fields realmid. How to ask for help. Table used for storing custom damage/healing bonus coefficients. FactionTemplate. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: Global dist. salt is a cryptographically random 32-byte value. The time when the spell cooldown will Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. The `instance_template` table. Common Errors. This table is used to provide localized clients with localized string for page_texts. A staff member will Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Database Squash; DBC Index; Directory structure; Doxygen Documentation; Exit Codes; GM Commands; How to Debug and Restart; Extend AzerothCore. Not all zones can have their weather changed. ChrRaces. Contains individual creature spawn data for each individual spawn of each individual creature in the game world. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; module: VARCHAR(255) PRI: NO: module dir name, eg mod-cfbg AzerothCore. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project ☰ AzerothCore Close ×. Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the player has been bound to the instance. menu_id) to link to to create that sub-menu. Player receives full experience amount only if their level is less than or equal to Level+5. If there is more than one of the same entry (more than one text the creature says), this column is used to choose if it is a random say or an ordered list. This field is from SkillLineCategory. spell_proc <-Back-to:World. The `spell_area` table. The `achievement_criteria_data` table. Table: quest_objectives. An integer which ranks the spell within the chain of spell ranks for the given `spell_id`. ID. The client build. Azerothcore is designed in such a way that you can also edit the values of skills and abilities (collectively called 'spells' in the field) but adding a new ability has to be done both in the code and in AzerothCore. first_spell_id. 7 and 8. TotemCategory. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; ID: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI . AzerothCore has a solid base from years of development: it is based on MaNGOS, TrinityCore, and SunwellCore. If stationery is 62, body has formatted data:. The id is called in the script, and depending on what version of the dungeon/raid the characters are in, the proper spell ID will be casted by the creature. hash: CHAR(40) YES '' SHA1 hash of the sql file. This table is used to set what factions a given graveyard will accept, and also to specify the nearest graveyard to a given zone. Enable a trigger when player enters a city or tavern. salt. Enable a trigger to finish one condition of a quest (explore) Table Structure. item. If above or under the SQL will fail on creature_template_resistance_chk_1. This table holds data about temporary summoned creatures. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: INT Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project. This table provides data for spell linking system, telling it which spells trigger what, and under which conditions. type. 3 Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Database Structure. Important: As of 19/09/24 all versions of MariaDB, MySQL 5. So I would like to open this topic by trying to collect all the information we gained so fa Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. Table Structure groups <-Back-to:Characters. Entry. See item_template. updates <-Back-to:Auth <-Back-to:Characters Table Structure. The group is met when all of its entries are met AzerothCore. This DBC contains most information on all spells. This DBC contains material used to display a gossip window for quest or page text. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guildid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI Description of the fields. Table used for storing custom spell attributes. Map. This table is used to store the tutorial state of all the accounts. The `spell_bonus_data` table. The template ID of the game object. This table controls the so called "discovery" system of learning spells. Index. However, I cannot find table charsections_dbc in any of the You have to look into learning how to edit DBC files and learn their structure, packing MPQ patches and maybe learn Spell Editor. The ID of the spell to link. game_event_arena_seasons <-Back-to:World. The `graveyard_zone` table. This table can only contain gameobjects that have a type of GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER, GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE. reportId. Holds scripts activated whenever an event is activated, be it by an object or as the spell effect SPELL_EFFECT_SEND_EVENT (61). See characters. This table holds a listing of all skill for each character. player_factionchange_quest <-Back-to:World. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; guid: INT: UNSIGNED: PRI: NO: 0: pool AzerothCore. This table holds information on all the stats regarding the character. If Level is set to -1, the player's level will be used as (Quest)Level for the experience calculation. The `npc_text_locale` table. This table holds the respawn time when creatures should be respawned in the world. page_text_locale <-Back-to:World. buyout: buyout price of lot AzerothCore. The way the final stat can be calculated is as follows: Take the base stat from this table and add the modifier for that stat from player Table Structure. The direct corresponding id in creature table or entry in creature_template table. table-no-description Table Structure. One or more character's race. acctid. The `page_text_locale` table. Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Table Structure. Version is : 3. . This table holds the percent chances for weather changes to occur in various zones. This in the content of this small dbc Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. 3. The unique account ID. The `spell_learn_spell` table. achievement_reward_locale <-Back-to:World. The `creature_respawn` table. ChrClasses. sql' account_data <-Back-to:Characters. If you are still having problems, check: FAQ AzerothCore. dbc column 1. Compile downloaded source as explained in Windows Core Installation. The `item_set_names_locale` table. Table Structure Description of the fields. This table holds definitions for all game events that are activated or deactivated automatically by the Game Event System in the core. They can act in the lifecycle operations of the project such as the CI, the installation of modules, database migration etc. Rank. Supported types: 1 - COMPLETE_ACHIEVEMENT; 2 - UPDATE_CRITERIA. The SQL files are located under /data/sql/ directory. The `areatrigger_teleport` table. Visually speaking, this table is used to identify the X and Y coordinates on the map (not the minimap - the main map) where a quest's question mark should appear. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; entry: MEDIUMINT: UNSIGNED: PRI Wiki and Documentation of the AzerothCore project Pages : Add new Edit Delete History Source. entry to which the script is linked to. spell_linked_spell <-Back-to:World. This table holds datas about BattleGrounds scores. Its purpose is (will be) used as a globalized table containing the localized texts as mentionned above. This is the pool of pools table. If you want to know how the SQL directory works or plan to have custom changes we recommend you read this. Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment; name: VARCHAR(200) PRI: NO: Filename with extension of the update. If the value does not meet the condition the SQL will fail on creature_formations_chk_1. The `game_event_arena_seasons` table. spelldifficulty_dbc <-Back-to:World. This table is used to complete . This DBC contains all possible player classes. Column Field Type Notes; 1: ID: Integer: 2: InternalName: String: reference to World\Map\ [] \ 3: Flags: Integer: 0x100 character_equipmentsets <-Back-to:Characters. spell_id. See localization languages list to know which value to use for X. You can choose from the following: QuestLevel. vhjf zvmdd lfoj mdzy mayzy rmr rfvr hutdw pbxw wydu